A (late) Happy New Year message
WOW, it's already 8 days into 2006, where have I been? I've just been lazy and haven't had much motivation to blog, hee hee. Well, a happy 2006 to all! I hope the holidays have been good to you. I didn't do anything all that exciting, but it was good to have that break from the office. I watched the Narnia movie on Christmas Day, did some Boxing Day shopping, and then went to Melbourne Aquarium on New Year's Day. I've also started doing some wild releasing for BookCrossing, I actually left a book at the jellyfish section in Melbourne Aquarium! I haven't any catches yet though, but I'll keep trying!
Also, I do own a pink Razr now, hee hee. It has been a while actually, I just didn't post about it. In fact, I think I bid on an eBay auction the night I posted about it, and it arrived probably about a week after. I was really excited when I first received it, in fact I went around the office showing my colleagues and most of them just rolled their eyes at me, LOL (they're quite a bit older than me). That excitement has died now, but it's still fun to have a pink phone. Oh, and Debbi, I have 2 pink watches, I don't wear them everyday as I alternate my watches (I have about 10 Paul Frank watches), but I love all my pink accessories! I told Terrence one day I will give him a pink overload, pink shirt, pink shoes, pink watch, pink phone, driving around in a pink Mini! Hahaha.... *grin*
Work has been picking up a little bit. Sometimes I still feel meh about it, but at least there are a few projects that I'm working on that I do feel quite enthusiastic about. Having to deal with people is still my Achilles heel though, I get nervous and very uncomfortable. And of course, some are just pricks. Like yesterday, I had to present to a guy who's one of the sales directors in the company, so he's quite up there, if you get what I mean. Naturally, I'm anxious as hell and just trying to keep calm as much as possible. I was presenting about some analysis that I did about the customer base, which he was really keen to know more about, and he wanted a printout. I wanted to make sure that he got it so I asked how I could pass it to him as he was running out for lunch and he was flying back to Sydney shortly after. His employee, the team leader of his sales team, just asked me to pop it on his desk for the big boss, and that's fine. Like I said, I was quite nervous, so I must have said it a few times to the big boss that I would be leaving it on the other guy's desk for him. Then the team leader dude went up to the big boss and said, "D, did you hear that? Eileen said she would be leaving it on my desk for you" in a really sarcastic tone and with a smirking laugh. Fine, I was probably babbling on a bit, but I'm nervous, I'm trying to make a good impression, trying to get my work to him, and he didn't have to be so cruel and such a jerk about it. *sigh* Why can't people just be nice?
Well, first rant of 2006, yay! LOL. Apart from that, the year has been going fine. Terrence's birthday is next week, he wants something quiet so we'll just be enjoying a nice meal at home. Frankly, I think he's depressed that he's turning 26, hee hee, it's inching closer to the late 20s mark! *grin* He has also declared 2006 the year of the diet, not sure how I feel about that, but I will try my best to at least stick to the exercise. I'm already aching from the first week back at gym so I will need strong willpower to tough it out for the rest of the year! Hopefully I will finally lose some weight this year :(
I've also set a challenge for myself to read 100 books in 2006, don't know if I will make it, but I am currently doing well, I have read 5 books so far. I'll also be doing a round robin this year! How exciting is that?! I haven't stitched in ages! The two RRs that I've been in have been disappointing, but I reckon this one will be different. It's with 3 online friends from Cyberstitchers, they're fabulous people and excellent stitchers, so I'm really looking forward to it! I just need to be disciplined and organised and make sure I stick to the timelines, and definitely no getting distracted by books when I should be stitching, hee hee. I also found an Australian charity stitching organisation, Quilts4Kids, so that's great too. This one allows for no time-limit stitching so that's great, I always felt guilty with Binky Helpers when I couldn't quickly finish up squares that I signed up for. With Quilts4Kids, I can stitch on some general themes that they have identified as the more popular ones, so I can just send in stitched squares whenever I have them done!
Look at me, I haven't blogged in a while, and here I am, just blabbering away, heh. If you've dropped by, leave me a message to say hello! Take care everyone, and I hope to post an update sooner than later! :)
Also, I do own a pink Razr now, hee hee. It has been a while actually, I just didn't post about it. In fact, I think I bid on an eBay auction the night I posted about it, and it arrived probably about a week after. I was really excited when I first received it, in fact I went around the office showing my colleagues and most of them just rolled their eyes at me, LOL (they're quite a bit older than me). That excitement has died now, but it's still fun to have a pink phone. Oh, and Debbi, I have 2 pink watches, I don't wear them everyday as I alternate my watches (I have about 10 Paul Frank watches), but I love all my pink accessories! I told Terrence one day I will give him a pink overload, pink shirt, pink shoes, pink watch, pink phone, driving around in a pink Mini! Hahaha.... *grin*
Work has been picking up a little bit. Sometimes I still feel meh about it, but at least there are a few projects that I'm working on that I do feel quite enthusiastic about. Having to deal with people is still my Achilles heel though, I get nervous and very uncomfortable. And of course, some are just pricks. Like yesterday, I had to present to a guy who's one of the sales directors in the company, so he's quite up there, if you get what I mean. Naturally, I'm anxious as hell and just trying to keep calm as much as possible. I was presenting about some analysis that I did about the customer base, which he was really keen to know more about, and he wanted a printout. I wanted to make sure that he got it so I asked how I could pass it to him as he was running out for lunch and he was flying back to Sydney shortly after. His employee, the team leader of his sales team, just asked me to pop it on his desk for the big boss, and that's fine. Like I said, I was quite nervous, so I must have said it a few times to the big boss that I would be leaving it on the other guy's desk for him. Then the team leader dude went up to the big boss and said, "D, did you hear that? Eileen said she would be leaving it on my desk for you" in a really sarcastic tone and with a smirking laugh. Fine, I was probably babbling on a bit, but I'm nervous, I'm trying to make a good impression, trying to get my work to him, and he didn't have to be so cruel and such a jerk about it. *sigh* Why can't people just be nice?
Well, first rant of 2006, yay! LOL. Apart from that, the year has been going fine. Terrence's birthday is next week, he wants something quiet so we'll just be enjoying a nice meal at home. Frankly, I think he's depressed that he's turning 26, hee hee, it's inching closer to the late 20s mark! *grin* He has also declared 2006 the year of the diet, not sure how I feel about that, but I will try my best to at least stick to the exercise. I'm already aching from the first week back at gym so I will need strong willpower to tough it out for the rest of the year! Hopefully I will finally lose some weight this year :(
I've also set a challenge for myself to read 100 books in 2006, don't know if I will make it, but I am currently doing well, I have read 5 books so far. I'll also be doing a round robin this year! How exciting is that?! I haven't stitched in ages! The two RRs that I've been in have been disappointing, but I reckon this one will be different. It's with 3 online friends from Cyberstitchers, they're fabulous people and excellent stitchers, so I'm really looking forward to it! I just need to be disciplined and organised and make sure I stick to the timelines, and definitely no getting distracted by books when I should be stitching, hee hee. I also found an Australian charity stitching organisation, Quilts4Kids, so that's great too. This one allows for no time-limit stitching so that's great, I always felt guilty with Binky Helpers when I couldn't quickly finish up squares that I signed up for. With Quilts4Kids, I can stitch on some general themes that they have identified as the more popular ones, so I can just send in stitched squares whenever I have them done!
Look at me, I haven't blogged in a while, and here I am, just blabbering away, heh. If you've dropped by, leave me a message to say hello! Take care everyone, and I hope to post an update sooner than later! :)
HI!! I am so glad to see that you have posted an entry. Good luck in reaching your goal of reading 100 books! I will be cheering you on.
Happy Stitching,
Posted by
My Life In Stitches |
3:21 PM
I've been thinking I should keep track of my reading, too. Good luck - if you are already up to 5 books, 100 within the year should be within reach!
Posted by
mainely stitching |
8:28 PM
Thanks, Annette and Barbara! :) I think I'm on track, if I get 9 books per month, I think I will hit my goal! And it's really more of an interest to see exactly how many books I read, I always knew I read a fair bit, I just didn't know exactly how many, hee hee...
Posted by
Leeny |
10:57 PM