
Well, the next order of business is that I got book-tagged by Heidi! I'm a little slow in responding but I promised I would, so here it is!
1. One book that changed my life
I don't think books or movies can be life-changing, IMO anyways, I think you get those lightbulb moments through lived experiences. But, my favourite book of the year, one that really touched me and moved me, was Marley and Me.
2. One book that I'd read more than once
There are plenty of books that I would read more than once, probably the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett, the Harry Potter books, and Neil Gaiman's novels.
3. One book I'd want on a deserted island
Probably the fattest book that I can have, I may need it as emergency paper.... LOL.
4. One book that made me cry
Hahaha... have I mentioned that I'm a total sook? I can cry at everything! People are amazed when I tell them I cried while watching A Bug's Life! LOL. To make it easier, the last book I cried while reading was Anybody Out There? by Marian Keyes.
5. One book I wish I'd written
Any of the runaway hits that would be able to support my stitching addiction, hee hee...
6. One book I wish had never been written
None that I can think of.
7. One book I'm currently reading
I just finished Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake, haven't figured out what my next book will be. I probably should stitch though...
8. One book I've been meaning to read
Too many to list, if you visit my Bookcrossing bookshelf (link on the right menu), you can look at my TBR section, it's massive!
Anyways, that's it from me today! Remember, I am in dire need of help to organise my stitching stuff, so please, feel free to give me as many suggestions as you want! Thanks in advance! (^_^)